In file No file:

template <class DestIterator> DestIterator Sort (ConstIterator sourceBegin, ConstIterator sourceEnd, DestIterator dest, const Function& func, bool ascending = true, int n = 0)

Sort events into a new set


Sorts the events using the specified event function. The function must return a real value or must be convertable to a real value.


    // Pick the 20 events with largest amplitude and put
    // them in descending order into s2.
    Set s1 ("input.xml");
    Set s2;
    Sort (s1.Begin(), s1.End(), back_inserter (s2),
          Column("Amplitude"), false, 20);

End iterator of stored events
sourceBegin - Start iterator of event list
sourceEnd - End iterator of event list
dest - Output iterator to store sorted events
func - Event function (Sort order)
ascending - Sort order (true default)
n - Maximum number of sorted events (0 = all)

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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