In file Argument.hh:

namespace events class Argument

Defines an event function argument


Public Fields

typedef Window::value_type value_type
Value type
typedef Window::pointer pointer
Pointer type
typedef Window::const_pointer const_pointer
Const pointer type
typedef Window::reference reference
Reference type
typedef Window::const_reference const_reference
Const reference type
typedef Window::iterator iterator
Iterator type
typedef Window::const_iterator const_iterator
Const iterator type

Public Methods

Argument (Window& window)
Window& GetWindow ()
Get event window
const Window& GetWindow () const
Get event window
int GetOrder () const
Window order
reference operator) (int n)
Current event access
const_reference operator) (int n) const
Current event access
reference Front ()
const_reference Front () const
reference Back ()
const_reference Back () const
iterator Begin ()
const_iterator Begin () const
iterator End ()
const_iterator End () const
reference operator[] (int n)
List access
const_reference operator[] (int n) const
List access
int Size () const
bool Empty () const
No events?


The event argument class contains the list of arguments which are passed to event functions and event conditions. At this moment it is just a wrapper around an event window.

typedef Window::value_type value_type
Value type

typedef Window::pointer pointer
Pointer type

typedef Window::const_pointer const_pointer
Const pointer type

typedef Window::reference reference
Reference type

typedef Window::const_reference const_reference
Const reference type

typedef Window::iterator iterator
Iterator type

typedef Window::const_iterator const_iterator
Const iterator type

Argument(Window& window)
Creates an argument from an event window.

Window& GetWindow()
Get the event window.

const Window& GetWindow() const
Get the event window.

int GetOrder() const
Get window order. How many current or coincidence events are selected?

reference operator) (int n)
Access the current event(s).

const_reference operator) (int n) const
Access the current event(s).

reference Front()
First event in window.

const_reference Front() const
First event in window.

reference Back()
Last event in window.

const_reference Back() const
Last event in window.

iterator Begin()
Beginning of list.

const_iterator Begin() const
Beginning of list.

iterator End()
End of list.

const_iterator End() const
End of list.

reference operator[] (int n)
Event list access.

const_reference operator[] (int n) const
Event list access.

int Size() const
Number of events within window.

bool Empty() const
No events?

This class has no child classes.
Written June 2001 by Masahiro Ito and Daniel Sigg

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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