In file No file:

template <class DestIterator> DestIterator Coincidence (ConstIterator source1Begin, ConstIterator source1End, ConstIterator source2Begin, ConstIterator source2End, DestIterator dest, const TimeWindow& window, const Condition& cond1 = Condition::True(), const Condition& cond2 = Condition::True())

Double coincidence analysis (two event sets)


Selects the events from two independent event sets which fullfill a coincidence condition. The coincidence order is two but the window iterators must be of order one.


    // Select all events in s1 which are in coincidence with
    // an event from s2 using a coincidence window of 100ms,
    // and add them to s3
    Set s1 ("input1.xml");
    Set s2 ("input2.xml");
    Set s3;
    Coincidence (s1.Begin(), s1.End(),
                 s2.Begin(), s2.End(),
                 back_inserter (s3), 0.1);

End iterator of stored events
source1Begin - Start iterator of first event set
source1End - End iterator of first event set
source2Begin - Start iterator of second event set
source2End - End iterator of second event set
dest - Output iterator to store events
window - Conicidence window in sec
cond1 - Event condition on first event set
cond2 - Event condition on second event set

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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