In file No file:

template <class DestIterator> DestIterator Coincidence (ConstIterator sourceBegin, ConstIterator sourceEnd, int order, DestIterator dest, const TimeWindow& window, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())

Coincidence analysis (single event set, all order)


Selects the events which fullfill the event coincidence condition. The coincidence order is selected by the window iterator. This algorithm can therefore be used for triple or multiple conicidence analysis as well.


    // Select all coincidence events in s1 using a coincidence 
    // window of 100ms and add them to s2
    Set s1 ("input.xml");
    Set s2;
    Coincidence (s1.Begin(2), s1.End(2),
                 back_inserter (s2), 0.1);

End iterator of stored events
sourceBegin - Start iterator to pick events from
sourceEnd - End iterator to pick events from
order - Conicidence order
dest - Output iterator to store events
window - Time window for coincidence
cond - Event condition

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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