In file FunctionPtr.hh:

namespace events class FunctionPtr

Smart pointer for event lists.


Public Methods

explicit FunctionPtr (Function* ptr = 0)
Default constructor
FunctionPtr (const Function& func)
FunctionPtr (const FunctionPtr& ptr)
Copy constructor
~FunctionPtr ()
operator Function& ()
type conversion
operator const Function& () const
type conversion
FunctionPtr& operator= (const FunctionPtr& ptr)
Assignment operator
Function* Get ()
const Function* Get () const
Function& operator* ()
Dereference oprator
const Function& operator* () const
Dereference oprator
Function* operator-> ()
Member access oprator
const Function* operator-> () const
Member access oprator
Function* Release ()
void Reset (Function* ptr = 0)
void Reset (const Function& func)


A smart pointer for an event column. When copying an event column smart pointer, a new event column is created which is an exact copy of the original.

explicit FunctionPtr(Function* ptr = 0)
Creates a pointer to an event function. The event function gets adopted.

FunctionPtr(const Function& func)
Creates a new copy of the event function. The event function is not adopted.

FunctionPtr(const FunctionPtr& ptr)
Copies an event function.

Destructs the event function.

operator Function& ()
Type converison into an event function.

operator const Function& () const
Type converison into an event function.

FunctionPtr& operator= (const FunctionPtr& ptr)
Assignment. Makes a new pointer with a true copy.

Function* Get()
Get a pointer to the event function.

const Function* Get() const
Get a pointer to the event function.

Function& operator*()
Dereference operator.

const Function& operator*() const
Dereference operator.

Function* operator->()
Member access oprator

const Function* operator->() const
Member access oprator

Function* Release()
Release the event function.

void Reset(Function* ptr = 0)
Resets the event function. The new function gets adopted.

void Reset(const Function& func)
Resets the event function. The new function is copied.

This class has no child classes.
Written June 2001 by Masahiro Ito and Daniel Sigg

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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