In file No file:

int MakeTimeSeries (TSeries& ts, ConstIterator sourceBegin, ConstIterator sourceEnd, const Function& func, const Time& offset = Time (0), const Condition& cond = Condition::True(), const TimeWindow& window = TimeWindow (1.))

Time series generation


Make a time series. The specified event function is plotted against time.


    // Make a time series of the event amplitudes within the time 
    // interval 677000000 to 678000000.
    Set s1 ("input.xml");
    TSeries ts;
    MakeTimeSeries (ts, s1.Begin(), s1.End(), 
                    Column("Amplitude"), Time(677000000),
                    Time(677000000) <= Column("Time") < Time(678000000));

Number of plotted events
ts - Time series
sourceBegin - Start iterator of event list
sourceEnd - End iterator of event list
func - Event function used for Y axis
offset - Time offset of resulting trace
cond - Condition to select events
window - Time window for function/condition

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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