In file No file:

Iterator Remove (Iterator sourceBegin, Iterator sourceEnd, const Condition& cond, const TimeWindow& window = TimeWindow (1.))

Remove events


Move events which fulfill the condition to the end of the list. Remove doesn't really remove events but rather moves them to the end of the list. The function returns an iterator to the first of the "removed" events. The caller MUST delete these events after the call.

For example:

    // Remove all non-burst events from the event set.
    Set s1 ("input.xml");
    Iterator rem = Remove (s1.Begin(), s1.End(),
                         !Filter ("burst:*"));
    s1.Erase (rem, s1.End());
is a correct use of Remove.

End iterator of stored events
sourceBegin - Start iterator of event list
sourceEnd - End iterator of event list
cond - Event condition
window - Time window for analysis

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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