In file No file:

template <class DestIterator> DestIterator Select (ConstIterator sourceBegin, ConstIterator sourceEnd, DestIterator dest, const Condition& cond, const TimeWindow& window = TimeWindow (1.))

Select events


Selects the events from the specified iterator range and copies them to the destination when they fullfill the event condition. The destination iterator in most cases is a back inserter.


    // Select all events in s1 which have an amplitiude
    // greater than 5 and add them to s2.
    Set s1 ("input.xml");
    Set s2;
    Select (s1.Begin(), s1.End(),
            back_inserter (s2), Column("Amplitude") > 5);

End iterator of stored events
sourceBegin - Start iterator to pick events from
sourceEnd - End iterator to pick events from
dest - Output iterator to store events
cond - Event condition
window - Time window for analysis

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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