In file No file:

void SetColumn (Iterator sourceBegin, Iterator sourceEnd, const Column& column, const Function& expression, const Condition& cond, const TimeWindow& window = TimeWindow (1.))

Set column to a new value of selected events


Set column to a new value. Loops through the list of events and calculates the expression for each event which fullfills the condition. The specified column is then set to the new value. The column name can be either a string or a column class.


    // Calculate the significance from the amplitude and sigma
    // for all burts events
    Set s1 ("input.xml");
    SetColumn (s1.Begin(), s1.End(), 
              Column ("Significance"),
              Column ("Amplitude") / Column ("Sigma"),
              Filter ("burst::*"));

sourceBegin - Start iterator of event list
sourceEnd - End iterator of event list
column - Name of column/Column object
expression - New column value
cond - Event condition
window - Time window for analysis

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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