In file Set.hh:

class Set

Chain of event lists


Public Fields

typedef std::vector <ChainPtr> eventset
Basic event set type
typedef Chain::eventchain eventchain
Basic chain type
typedef List::eventlist eventlist
Basic list type
typedef Chain::value_type value_type
Value type
typedef Chain::size_type size_type
Size type
typedef Chain::difference_type difference_type
Difference type
typedef Chain::reference reference
Reference type
typedef Chain::const_reference const_reference
Const reference type
typedef Chain::pointer pointer
Pointer type
typedef Chain::const_pointer const_pointer
Const pointer type
typedef Iterator iterator
typedef ConstIterator const_iterator
Const iterator
typedef ReverseIterator reverse_iterator
typedef ConstReverseIterator const_reverse_iterator
Const iterator

Public Methods

explicit Set (int N = 1)
explicit Set (const char* filename)
Set* Copy () const
Copy the event
bool AddChain (const char* filename)
bool AddChain (const Chain& chain)
Chain& GetChain (int lnum)
const Chain& GetChain (int lnum) const
bool RemoveChain (int lnum)
int N () const
void SetDefaultChain (int def = 0)
Set the default chain
int GetDefaultChain () const
Get the index of the default chain
void Merge ()
void Join (Set& set)
bool Configure (const char* filename)
bool Save (const char* filename, int perfile = 0, int maxevents = -1) const
bool Restore (const char* filename)
int Size () const
bool Empty () const
bool operator== (const Set& l) const
bool operator!= (const Set& l) const
bool CheckOrder () const
Check order
void Swap (Set& l)
iterator LowerBound (const Time& t)
Lower bound
const_iterator LowerBound (const Time& t) const
Lower bound
iterator UpperBound (const Time& t)
Upper bound
const_iterator UpperBound (const Time& t) const
Upper bound
iterator LowerBound (const Event& t)
Lower bound
const_iterator LowerBound (const Event& t) const
Lower bound
iterator UpperBound (const Event& t)
Upper bound
const_iterator UpperBound (const Event& t) const
Upper bound
void Sort ()
reference At (size_type idx)
const_reference At (size_type idx) const
reference operator[] (size_type idx)
const_reference operator[] (size_type idx) const
reference Front ()
const_reference Front () const
reference Back ()
const_reference Back () const
iterator Begin ()
const_iterator Begin () const
iterator End ()
const_iterator End () const
reverse_iterator RBegin ()
const_reverse_iterator RBegin () const
reverse_iterator REnd ()
const_reverse_iterator REnd () const
void Insert (const Event& event)
iterator Insert (const iterator& pos, const Event& event)
void Insert (const iterator& beg, const iterator& end)
void PushBack (const Event& event)
iterator Erase (const iterator& pos)
iterator Erase (const iterator& beg, const iterator& end)
void PopBack ()
void Clear ()
void SetWindow (const TimeWindow& window)
Set time window
void SetWindow (const Interval& width, const Interval& offset)
Set time window
void SetOffset (const Interval& offset)
Set time offset
Interval GetOffset () const
Get time offset
void SetWidth (const Interval& duration)
Set time duration
Interval GetWidth () const
Get time duration
void SetColumn (const Column& column, const Function& expression)
Set column to a new value
void SetColumn (const Column& column, const Function& expression, const Condition& cond, const TimeWindow& window = TimeWindow (1.))
Set column to a new value of selected events
int Select (const Condition& cond)
int Select (const Set& events, const Condition& cond)
int SelectAdd (const Set& events, const Condition& cond)
Select and add
int Sort (const Function& func, bool ascending = true, int n = 0)
int Sort (const Set& events, const Function& func, bool ascending = true, int n = 0)
int Coincidence (const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
int Coincidence (const TimeWindow& window, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
int Coincidence (const Set& events, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
int Coincidence (const Set& events, const TimeWindow& window, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
int CoincidenceAdd (const Set& events, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
Coincidence and add
int CoincidenceAdd (const Set& events, const TimeWindow& window, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
Coincidence and add
int TripleCoincidence (const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
int TripleCoincidence (const TimeWindow& window, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
int TripleCoincidence (const Set& events, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
int TripleCoincidence (const Set& events, const TimeWindow& window, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
int TripleCoincidenceAdd (const Set& events, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
TripleCoincidence Add
int TripleCoincidenceAdd (const Set& events, const TimeWindow& window, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
TripleCoincidence Add
int MultiCoincidence (int n, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
int MultiCoincidence (int n, const TimeWindow& window, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
int MultiCoincidence (int n, const Set& events, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
int MultiCoincidence (int n, const Set& events, const TimeWindow& window, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
int MultiCoincidenceAdd (int n, const Set& events, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
MultiCoincidence Add
int MultiCoincidenceAdd (int n, const Set& events, const TimeWindow& window, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
MultiCoincidence Add
int Clusters (int threshold, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
int Clusters (int threshold, const TimeWindow& window, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
int Clusters (const Set& events, int threshold, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
int Clusters (const Set& events, int threshold, const TimeWindow& window, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
int ClusterAdd (const Set& events, int threshold, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
Select and add
int ClusterAdd (const Set& events, int threshold, const TimeWindow& window, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
Select and add
int Histogram (Histogram1& hist, const Function& func, const Condition& cond = Condition::True()) const
1D histogram generation
int Histogram (Histogram2& hist, const Function& f1, const Function& f2, const Condition& cond = Condition::True()) const
1D histogram generation
int TimeSeries (TSeries& ts, const Function& func, const Condition& cond = Condition::True()) const
Time series generation
void Dump (std::ostream& os, int num = 0) const
Dump Event data in the Set to the specified output stream
void Dump (int num = 0) const
Dump Event data in the Set to the specified output stream
void DumpColumn (const char* name, std::ostream& os, int num = 0) const
Dump column data in the Set to the specified output stream
void DumpColumn (const char* name, int num = 0) const
Dump column data in the Set to the specified output stream


An event set consists of a several event chains which are are treated in parallel. This allows combining events sets generated by different sources on the same time stretch of the data without physically merging the files containig the events. The event set is the set used by the user to manipulate, select and histogram events.

typedef std::vector <ChainPtr> eventset
Basic event set type

typedef Chain::eventchain eventchain
Basic chain type

typedef List::eventlist eventlist
Basic list type

typedef Chain::value_type value_type
Value type

typedef Chain::size_type size_type
Size type

typedef Chain::difference_type difference_type
Difference type

typedef Chain::reference reference
Reference type

typedef Chain::const_reference const_reference
Const reference type

typedef Chain::pointer pointer
Pointer type

typedef Chain::const_pointer const_pointer
Const pointer type

typedef Iterator iterator

typedef ConstIterator const_iterator
Const iterator

typedef ReverseIterator reverse_iterator

typedef ConstReverseIterator const_reverse_iterator
Const iterator

explicit Set(int N = 1)
Creats a event set with N chains.

explicit Set(const char* filename)
Creats a event set from a single file (one chain with one list).

Set* Copy() const
Returns a copy of the event chain. This method must be overriden by all descendents.
event copy

bool AddChain(const char* filename)
Add an event chain to the set.

bool AddChain(const Chain& chain)
Add an event chain to the set.

Chain& GetChain(int lnum)
Get an event chain from the set.

const Chain& GetChain(int lnum) const
Get an event chain from the set.

bool RemoveChain(int lnum)
Remove an event chain form the set.

int N() const
Number of event chains in set.

void SetDefaultChain(int def = 0)
Set the default chain. The default chain is used in several operations such as PushBack and Insert.
def - Default chain index

int GetDefaultChain() const
Get the index of the default chain
Index of the default chain

void Merge()
Merge all event chains into one.

void Join(Set& set)
Join all events from the specified set into the currenmt set. The specified set will be empty afterwards. This method simply transfers the chains. It will not merge the chains!

bool Configure(const char* filename)
Add the event chains specified in the configuration file to the event set. The configuration file must contain a list of files (one per line) each representing an event chain configuration file. Lines starting with a UNIX comment letter are ignored.

bool Save(const char* filename, int perfile = 0, int maxevents = -1) const
Save the set to the specified file(s). If a non-negative perfile is specified and if the number of events in a set is larger than perfile, multiple files are created for each chain with a maximum of perfile events each. The file number is increased automatically until maxevents is reached or all events are processed.
filename - Name of file
perfile - Number of events per written file
maxevents - Maximum number of events written

bool Restore(const char* filename)
Restore an event set from a single file (one chain with one list). All events in the set are cleared before importing the file.
filename - Name of file

int Size() const
Size of list (number of events in chain).

bool Empty() const
Empty list?

bool operator== (const Set& l) const
Equality operator.

bool operator!= (const Set& l) const
Inequality operator.

bool CheckOrder() const
Check if events are stored in proper time order.

void Swap(Set& l)
Swap the list.

iterator LowerBound(const Time& t)
Lower bound

const_iterator LowerBound(const Time& t) const
Lower bound

iterator UpperBound(const Time& t)
Upper bound

const_iterator UpperBound(const Time& t) const
Upper bound

iterator LowerBound(const Event& t)
Lower bound

const_iterator LowerBound(const Event& t) const
Lower bound

iterator UpperBound(const Event& t)
Upper bound

const_iterator UpperBound(const Event& t) const
Upper bound

void Sort()
Sort the set by event time (the set will be merged first).

reference At(size_type idx)
At. Rather inefficient function.

const_reference At(size_type idx) const
At. Rather inefficient function.

reference operator[] (size_type idx)
Operator []. Rather inefficient function.

const_reference operator[] (size_type idx) const
Operator []. Rather inefficient function.

reference Front()

const_reference Front() const

reference Back()

const_reference Back() const

iterator Begin()
Begin iterator.

const_iterator Begin() const
Begin iterator.

iterator End()
End iterator.
Const iterator

const_iterator End() const
End iterator.
Const iterator

reverse_iterator RBegin()

const_reverse_iterator RBegin() const

reverse_iterator REnd()

const_reverse_iterator REnd() const

void Insert(const Event& event)
Insert an event into the default chain at its proper location.

iterator Insert(const iterator& pos, const Event& event)
Insert an event to the set at the specified location.

void Insert(const iterator& beg, const iterator& end)
Inserts a range of events.

void PushBack(const Event& event)
Inserts an event at the back.

iterator Erase(const iterator& pos)
Erase an event. Returns an iterator pointing the next event.

iterator Erase(const iterator& beg, const iterator& end)
Erase a range of events. Returns an iterator pointing the next event.

void PopBack()
Remove an event from the end of the default chain.

void Clear()
Clear the chain.

void SetWindow(const TimeWindow& window)
Set the time window of the analysis. A sliding window is used to loop over the events. Only events within this window are considered for veto or coincidence. The window must be at least as wide as the larges coincidenc or veto window.

void SetWindow(const Interval& width, const Interval& offset)
Set the time window of the analysis. A sliding window is used to loop over the events. Only events within this window are considered for veto or coincidence. The window must be at least as wide as the larges coincidenc or veto window.
width - Window duration
offset - Window offset

void SetOffset(const Interval& offset)
Set the time offset of the window.

Interval GetOffset() const
Get the time offset of the window.

void SetWidth(const Interval& duration)
Set the time duration of the window.

Interval GetWidth() const
Get the time duration of the window.

void SetColumn(const Column& column, const Function& expression)
Set column to a new value. Loops through the list of events and calculates the expression for each event. The specified column is the set to then new value. The column name can be either a string or a column class.


    		    		Set s1 ("input.xml");
    		s1.SetColumn (Column ("Significance"),
                       Column ("Amplitude") / Column ("Sigma"));

column - Name of column/Column object
expression - New column value

void SetColumn(const Column& column, const Function& expression, const Condition& cond, const TimeWindow& window = TimeWindow (1.))
Set column to a new value. Loops through the list of events and calculates the expression for each event which fullfills the condition. The specified column is then set to the new value. The column name can be either a string or a column class.


    	    	    		Set s1 ("input.xml");
    		s1.SetColumn (Column ("Significance"),
       	  	           Column ("Amplitude") / Column ("Sigma"),
        		           Filter ("burst::*"));

column - Name of column/Column object
expression - New column value
cond - Event condition
window - Time window for analysis

int Select(const Condition& cond)
Selects the events which fullfill the event condition.
Number of selected events
cond - Event condition

int Select(const Set& events, const Condition& cond)
Selects the events from the specified set which fullfill the event condition. The destination set is cleared first.
Number of added/selected events
events - Set to pick events from
cond - Event condition

int SelectAdd(const Set& events, const Condition& cond)
Selects the events from the specified set which fullfill the event condition and adds them to the current set.
Number of added/selected events
events - Set to pick events from
cond - Event condition

int Sort(const Function& func, bool ascending = true, int n = 0)
Sorts the events using the event function.
Number of sorted events
func - Event function
ascending - Sort order (true default)
n - Maximum number of sorted events (0 = all)

int Sort(const Set& events, const Function& func, bool ascending = true, int n = 0)
Sorts the events form the specified set using the event function.
Number of sorted events
func - Event function
ascending - Sort order (true default)
n - Maximum number of sorted events (0 = all)

int Coincidence(const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
Selects the events which fullfill the event coincidence condition. Uses the time window of the set. If two events e1 and e2 fullfill the event condition, a multi event consisting of e1 and e2 is added.
Number of added/selected events
cond - Event condition

int Coincidence(const TimeWindow& window, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
Selects the events which fullfill the event coincidence condition. Specifies the time window explicitly. If two events e1 and e2 fullfill the event condition, a multi event consisting of e1 and e2 is added.
Number of added/selected events
window - Coincidence interval
cond - Event condition

int Coincidence(const Set& events, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
Selects the events from the specified set which fullfill the event coincidence condition. The destination set is cleared first. Uses the time window of the set. If two events e1 and e2 fullfill the event condition, a multi event consisting of e1 and e2 is added.
Number of added/selected events
events - Set to pick events from
cond - Event condition

int Coincidence(const Set& events, const TimeWindow& window, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
Selects the events from the specified set which fullfill the event coincidence condition. The destination set is cleared first. Specifies the time window explicitly. If two events e1 and e2 fullfill the event condition, a multi event consisting of e1 and e2 is added.
Number of added/selected events
events - Set to pick events from
window - Coincidence interval
cond - Event condition

int CoincidenceAdd(const Set& events, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
Selects the events from the specified set which fullfill the event coincidence condition and adds them to the current set. Uses the time window of the set. If two events e1 and e2 fullfill the event condition, a multi event consisting of e1 and e2 is added.
Number of added/selected events
events - Set to pick events from
window - Coincidence interval
cond - Event condition

int CoincidenceAdd(const Set& events, const TimeWindow& window, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
Selects the events from the specified set which fullfill the event coincidence condition and adds them to the current set. Specifies the time window explicitly. If two events e1 and e2 fullfill the event condition, a multi event consisting of e1 and e2 is added.
Number of added/selected events
events - Set to pick events from
window - Coincidence interval
cond - Event condition

int TripleCoincidence(const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
Selects the events which fullfill the event triple coincidence. Uses the time window of the set. If three events e1, e2 and e3 fullfill the event condition, a multi event consisting of e1, e2 and e3 is added.
Number of added/selected events
cond - Event condition

int TripleCoincidence(const TimeWindow& window, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
Selects the events which fullfill the event triple coincidence. Specifies the time window explicitly. If three events e1, e2 and e3 fullfill the event condition, a multi event consisting of e1, e2 and e3 is added.
Number of added/selected events
window - Coincidence interval
cond - Event condition

int TripleCoincidence(const Set& events, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
Selects the events from the specified set which fullfill the event triple coincidence condition. The destination set is cleared first. Uses the time window of the set. If three events e1, e2 and e3 fullfill the event condition, a multi event consisting of e1, e2 and e3 is added.
Number of added/selected events
events - Set to pick events from
cond - Event condition

int TripleCoincidence(const Set& events, const TimeWindow& window, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
Selects the events from the specified set which fullfill the event triple coincidence condition. The destination set is cleared first. Specifies the time window explicitly. If three events e1, e2 and e3 fullfill the event condition, a multi event consisting of e1, e2 and e3 is added.
Number of added/selected events
events - Set to pick events from
window - Coincidence interval
cond - Event condition

int TripleCoincidenceAdd(const Set& events, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
Selects the events from the specified set which fullfill the event triple coincidence condition and adds them to the current set. Uses the time window of the set. If three events e1, e2 and e3 fullfill the event condition, a multi event consisting of e1, e2 and e3 is added.
Number of added/selected events
events - Set to pick events from
cond - Event condition

int TripleCoincidenceAdd(const Set& events, const TimeWindow& window, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
Selects the events from the specified set which fullfill the event triple coincidence condition and adds them to the current set. Specifies the time window explicitly. If three events e1, e2 and e3 fullfill the event condition, a multi event consisting of e1, e2 and e3 is added.
Number of added/selected events
events - Set to pick events from
window - Coincidence interval
cond - Event condition

int MultiCoincidence(int n, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
Selects the events which fullfill the event multi coincidence. Uses the time window of the set. If events e1, ... eN fullfill the event condition, a multi event consisting of e1, ... en is added.
Number of added/selected events
n - Number of required coincidences
window - Coincidence interval
cond - Event condition

int MultiCoincidence(int n, const TimeWindow& window, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
Selects the events which fullfill the event multi coincidence. Specifies the time window explicitly. If events e1, ... eN fullfill the event condition, a multi event consisting of e1, ... en is added.
Number of added/selected events
n - Number of required coincidences
window - Coincidence interval
cond - Event condition

int MultiCoincidence(int n, const Set& events, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
Selects the events from the specified set which fullfill the event multi coincidence condition. The destination set is cleared first. Uses the time window of the set. If events e1, ... eN fullfill the event condition, a multi event consisting of e1, ... en is added.
Number of added/selected events
n - Number of required coincidences
events - Set to pick events from
cond - Event condition

int MultiCoincidence(int n, const Set& events, const TimeWindow& window, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
Selects the events from the specified set which fullfill the event multi coincidence condition. The destination set is cleared first. Specifies the time window explicitly. If events e1, ... eN fullfill the event condition, a multi event consisting of e1, ... en is added.
Number of added/selected events
n - Number of required coincidences
events - Set to pick events from
window - Coincidence interval
cond - Event condition

int MultiCoincidenceAdd(int n, const Set& events, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
Selects the events from the specified set which fullfill the event multi coincidence condition and adds them to the current set. Uses the time window of the set. If events e1, ... eN fullfill the event condition, a multi event consisting of e1, ... en is added.
Number of added/selected events
n - Number of required coincidences
events - Set to pick events from
cond - Event condition

int MultiCoincidenceAdd(int n, const Set& events, const TimeWindow& window, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
Selects the events from the specified set which fullfill the event multi coincidence condition and adds them to the current set. Specifies the time window explicitly. If events e1, ... eN fullfill the event condition, a multi event consisting of e1, ... en is added.
Number of added/selected events
n - Number of required coincidences
events - Set to pick events from
window - Coincidence interval
cond - Event condition

int Clusters(int threshold, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
Selects the events which fullfill the event condition. Uses the time window of the set.
Number of selected events
threshold - Number of events to be considered a cluster
cond - Event condition

int Clusters(int threshold, const TimeWindow& window, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
Selects the events which fullfill the event condition. Specifies the time window explicitly.
Number of selected events
threshold - Number of events to be considered a cluster
window - Duration of cluster window
cond - Event condition

int Clusters(const Set& events, int threshold, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
Selects the events from the specified set which fullfill the event condition. The destination set is cleared first. Uses the time window of the set.
Number of added/selected events
events - Set to pick events from
threshold - Number of events to be considered a cluster
cond - Event condition

int Clusters(const Set& events, int threshold, const TimeWindow& window, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
Selects the events from the specified set which fullfill the event condition. The destination set is cleared first. Specifies the time window explicitly.
Number of added/selected events
events - Set to pick events from
threshold - Number of events to be considered a cluster
window - Duration of cluster window
cond - Event condition

int ClusterAdd(const Set& events, int threshold, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
Selects the cluster events from the specified set which fullfill the event condition and adds them to the current set. Uses the time window of the set.
Number of added/selected events
events - Set to pick events from
threshold - Number of events to be considered a cluster
cond - Event condition

int ClusterAdd(const Set& events, int threshold, const TimeWindow& window, const Condition& cond = Condition::True())
Selects the cluster events from the specified set which fullfill the event condition and adds them to the current set. Specifies the time window explicitly.
Number of added/selected events
events - Set to pick events from
threshold - Number of events to be considered a cluster
window - Duration of cluster window
cond - Event condition

int Histogram(Histogram1& hist, const Function& func, const Condition& cond = Condition::True()) const
Make a one-dimensional histogram. The specified event column is used to add to the histogram all events fullfilling the event condition.
Number of added events
hist - 1D histogram
func - Event function used for histogram axis
cond - Condition to select events

int Histogram(Histogram2& hist, const Function& f1, const Function& f2, const Condition& cond = Condition::True()) const
Make a two-dimensional histogram. The specified event columns are used to add to the histogram all events fullfilling the event condition.
Number of added events
hist - 1D histogram
f1 - Event function used for first histogram axis
f2 - Event function used for second histogram axis
cond - Condition to select events

int TimeSeries(TSeries& ts, const Function& func, const Condition& cond = Condition::True()) const
Make a time series. The specified event column is plotted against time.
Number of events
ts - Time series
func - Event function used for Y axis
cond - Condition to select events

void Dump(std::ostream& os, int num = 0) const
Dump Event data in the Set to the specified output stream
os - output stream
num - max number of events

void Dump(int num = 0) const
Dump Event data in the Set to the specified output stream
os - output stream
num - max number of events

void DumpColumn(const char* name, std::ostream& os, int num = 0) const
Dump column data in the Set to the specified output stream
name - column name
os - output stream
num - max number of events

void DumpColumn(const char* name, int num = 0) const
Dump column data in the Set to the specified output stream
name - column name
os - output stream
num - max number of events

This class has no child classes.
Written June 2001 by Masahiro Ito and Daniel Sigg

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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